Reliability and Validity Analysis in the Field of Tumor; Common Mistakes

Reliability and Validity Analysis in the Field of Tumor; Common Mistakes


Siamak Sabour


Siamak Sabour, Safety Promotion and Injury Prevention Research Center, Shahid Beheshti University of Medical Sciences, Tehran, I.R. Iran

Siamak Sabour, Department of Clinical Epidemiology, School of Dentistry, Shahid Beheshti University of Medical Sciences, Tehran, I.R. Iran

Correspondence to: Siamak Sabour, MD, MSc, DSc, PhD, Safety Promotion and Injury Prevention Research Center, Shahid Beheshti University of Medical Sciences, Tehran, I.R. Iran.


Telephone: +98-21- 22421814              

Received: January 16, 2014            Revised: February 5, 2014

Accepted: February 10, 2014

Published online: April 18, 2014



Reliability (precision) and validity (accuracy) are two important methodological issues in all fields of researches. The reliability is being assessed by inappropriate tests which all of them are among common mistakes. For quantitative variable Intra Class Correlation Coefficient (ICC) and for qualitative variables weighted kappa should be used. Sensitivity, specificity,)positive predictive value (PPV), negative predictive value (NPV), likelihood ratio positive and likelihood ratio negative as well as diagnostic accuracy and odds ratio are among the tests to evaluate the validity of a single test compared to a gold standard. For reliability and validity analysis, appropriate tests should be applied by clinical researchers. Otherwise, misdiagnosis and mismanagement of the patients in routine clinical care cannot be avoided using inappropriate tests to assess reliability and validity.


© 2014 ACT. All rights reserved.


Key words: Reliability, Validity, Diagnostic tests, Mistake


Sabour S. Reliability and Validity Analysis in the Field of Tumor; Common Mistakes. Journal of Tumor 2014; 2(4): 122-124 Available from: URL:



1. Reliability (precision) and validity (accuracy) are two important methodological issues in all fields of researches.

2. The reliability is being assessed by inappropriate tests which all of them are among common mistakes and is being published by high impact journals.

3. As a take home message, for reliability and validity analysis, appropriate tests should be applied by clinical researchers.



Misdiagnosis and mismanagement of the patients in routine clinical care cannot be avoided using inappropriate tests to assess reliability and validity.



Reliability (precision) and validity (accuracy) are two completely different and important methodological issues in all fields of researches. Reliability (repeatability or reproducibility) is being assessed by different statistical tests such as Pearson, least square and paired t test which all of them are among common mistakes in reliability analysis (Figure 1, 2)[1] and is being published by high impact journals[2-8].

     Briefly, for quantitative variable Intra Class Correlation Coefficient (ICC) and for qualitative variables weighted kappa should be used with caution because kappa has its own limitation too[1,9-40].

    It is crucial to know that there is no value of kappa that can be regarded universally as indication good agreement. Two important weaknesses of k value to assess agreement of a qualitative variable are as follow: It depends upon the prevalence in each category which means it can be possible to have different kappa value having the same percentage for both concordant and discordant cells! Figure 3 shows that in both (a) and (b) situations the prevalence of concordant cells are 80% and discordant cells are 20%, however, we get different kappa value (0.38 and 0.60) respectively. Kappa value also depends upon the number of categories which means the higher the categories, the lower the amount of kappa value[9-40].

    Sensitivity [Percent with the disease who test positive, True Positives / (True Positives + False Negative)], specificity [Percent healthy who test negative, True Negatives / (True Negatives + False Positive)] positive predictive value (PPV), [Percent of positive tests who actually are diseased, True Positives / (True Positives + False Positive)], negative predictive value (NPV) [Percent of negative tests who are healthy, True Negatives / (True Negatives + False Negative)], likelihood ratio positive and likelihood ratio negative as well as diagnostic accuracy [(both true positive and true negative results / total)* 100]  and odds ratio (true results / false results) preferably more than 50, are among the tests to evaluate the validity of a single test compared to a gold standard[9-40].

    As a take home message, for reliability and validity analysis, appropriate tests should be applied by researchers. Otherwise, misdiagnosis and mismanagement of the patients cannot be avoided.



There are no conflicts of interest with regard to the present study.



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Peer reviewers: Siamak Sabour, MD, PhD, Community Oral  Health, Clinical Epidemiology,  School  of  Dentistry,  Chamran highway, Tabnak Blv. Velenjac, Tehran, Iran; Siamak Sabour, MD, PhD, Community Oral  Health, Clinical Epidemiology,  School  of  Dentistry,  Chamran highway, Tabnak Blv. Velenjac, Tehran, Iran.















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